The Wrath Of Cain (2010) 720p – 550MB – sUN
The movie follows Cain (Ving Rhames), who is incarcerated in a high security prison while his only son, Ricky, is on hte outside following the same troubled path. Over time, the Warden (Robert Patrick), forms a strong relationship with Cain and helps him to overcome the demons from his past lifestyle. Ricky (Nipsie Hussle), whom Cain has been estranged from since a kid, is later arrested and sent to the same prison. Cain struggles to reestablish a father-son relationship and convince him to follow a straight life. Meanwhile, Ricky’s rival, JD (Gillie Da Kid), is incarcerated and thrown into the same cell block. While in the pen, Cain, Ricky, and JD learn they have more in common than they ever suspected and Cain is willin got give his life to make the two boys come together.